This post is dedicated to the world's best husband....MY husband...DAN!!!! I just wanted to let him know how much I appreciate him and love him! Cheesy as it is, he really is awesome! I can't even begin to tell you all of the things he does for me and our little family. It kinda makes me look pathetic, but he really does sooo much work for us. Besides working his actual job, which is tiring, he also wakes up at 4:30am to teach seminary. I feel guilty every time he kisses me goodbye in the mornings and I just keep sleeping. As if those two things aren't enough to keep him busy and tired, he also is awesome around the house. You may think I'm exaggerating how great he is, but it's all 100% true. He actually is so helpful around the house. He cooks (probably at least half the time), vacuums, does the dishes, laundry, washes the sheets on our bed, folds clothes, does all the bills, fix-it stuff around the house, sweeps, mops, washes the cars, grocery shops, and more and more and more!!! I'm really not exaggerating!! Okay, now I do some of these things too, but honestly, he is much better at them than I am. And the crazy thing is that he does these things without even being asked!! Some of you may think that a husband should do all these things anyway, but I know many a husbands that do not help out very much. But, Dan is definitely NOT one of them. He is always sooo helpful and willing to work as a team to keep our house running and I am soooo thankful!! His parents taught him good! And I haven't even mentioned what a great father he is too. Carson just LOVES his daddy and if given the choice between mama and dada almost always will choose his dada. Dan also spends lots of time with him when mommy is at work. Carson loves attention from Dan and can always make him smile. Dan just loves his "little man".
So, this is why my husband, Dan, is obviously the world's best husband!! He is absolutely the greatest and I can't imagine life without him. I love you Dan!!!! Happy Valentines Day!!!
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
I love your Valentine blog for your hubby - what a great idea!! And what a sweet wife you are! Ahh...l'amour!!
How sweet! Dan is a keeper!
I don't know what to say! What a great guy you married. Of course, he didn't do so badly either.
how sweet! I've got to stop trying to play catch up with the holidays and do something for my guy too. you go girl!
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